Engaging with Adoption as an “Outsider”
Besides having close friends who have adopted a child, I don’t have any personal experience with adoption. A couple of my extended family members and friends have adopted or been adopted, but it was never a topic I spent time thinking about.
It wasn’t until I started working with TruAdopt when I started to wrestle with the realities of adoption. I learned about the emotion and struggle that exist in the relationship between expectant parents, adoptive parents, and their child. Though I don’t have to have a personal connection, I understand more and more why it’s so important to engage with people who are part of this journey. When you take the time to sit down and listen to these gripping stories, you realize how unique each story is and how precious these children are to them. I am now part of this, just by listening to and sharing. It’s okay to not have personal experience with adoption or placing a child with another family. If you want to make an impact, it’s enough to listen, ask sincere and loving questions, and share your new-found knowledge with others.
The hope and mission of all of us here at TruAdopt is to support expectant parents and guide them through their adoption journey. Like many other great organizations out there, our hope is to give often forgotten groups a voice and to spread awareness of the hurts, struggles, and pains that exist in our world. We exist to educate and give people a heart to love and serve people they’d probably never think to reach out to.
“…our hope is to give often forgotten groups a voice and to spread awareness of the hurts, struggles, and pains that exist in our world. We exist to educate and give people a heart to love and serve people they’d probably never think to reach out to.
Why should we care? Because we all have stories of pain and struggle in our lives. The more we realize that, the more it motivates us to reach out to those in need. We can support communities, even the ones we don’t think we personally relate to. Let us support those within the adoption community regardless of our relation to it. Once you start to engage and listen, you might find a new connection that didn’t exist before. The best thing we can do for one another is to listen with a compassionate and open heart. If we do this, we just might witness and experience beauty in a new way.
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